
Tankenstein 2.0

Built from the tracks from a snowblower, motors from and electric wheelchair and other scraps laying around this is a scrap yard frankenstein. Powered by a Maxell 48 volt 165 Farad Ultracapacitor its other components consist of extruded aluminum, pieces from 3d printers in this iteration the drive system moved away from the snowblowers drive chains and hacked tensioning setup to a direct drive with the main cog bolted directly to the motor.  A setback in modifying the drive cog led to this cast aluminum cog created from melted pop cans and the creation of a 3d print and sandcast mold with the melt and pour done in my yard. 

Tankenstein 0.5 Work in Progress

Tankenstein 1.0 at Bot Brawl

Tankenstein along side with Wrought Iron Wrecker and 4 Low

Tankenstein 3.0 coming soon